Yahtzee! Run

How the game is played:

Each rider and passenger will be given one die at each stop for a total of five, registration being the first.  On the ride there will be three stops at which each person will receive another die with the final die being given when you arrive back at the starting location.  Each person will have one roll and, just like in the game of Yahtzee, the hightest roll wins!  The grand prize is $200.00 this year.  Each person will have to record their roll on a yahtzee sheet and must be rolled in front of a volunteer.  In the event of a tie there will be a "roll off" to determine a single winner. 

The various combinations and their rank from lowest to highest are as follows:

At least three dice showing the same face (Sum of all dice determines score)
At least four dice showing the same face (Sum of all dice determines score)
Full House
three-of-a-kind and a pair (25 points)
Small Straight
Four sequential dice (1-2-3-4, 2-3-4-5, or 3-4-5-6) (30 points)
Large Straight
Five sequential dice (1-2-3-4-5 or 2-3-4-5-6) (40 points)
All five dice showing the same face (50 points)